A downloadable game

Watch the trailer here:


Grimwood Manor is a 3D First Person Horror Game developed by Alexander Philippopoulos with Unreal Engine 5. You find a mysterious rumor on the Internet of an old abandoned manor which contains 6 coins. Each of the coins are worth millions of dollars. Taking all the coins will set you for life. But beware, a monster lurks in the depths of the manor. Will you take on the challenge to collect all 6 coins and escape? Will you make it out alive, or will you join the list of those who never made it back?

How To Play

Your objective in the game is simple. Collect all 6 coins, and then escape the same way you came in. The coins are scattered around the building and have a distinct glow. Be careful however, as a monster roams freely. Use hiding spots, such as drawers, chairs, and beds to avoid being detected. You can toggle your flashlight with the F key, and interact with hiding spots and coins with the E key. Once the monster catches you, you lose. The monster spawns at random locations, but the coins are in fixed locations.


Here are some tips to help you win:

1. Remember the locations of the coins

2. Remember the locations of the hiding spots

3. Check every direction before walking through the corridors

4. Keep retying and you will win eventually


All the assets in the game do not belong to me. Here's a list of the assets I have used:





All the programming in the game was done by me. I only used Blueprint code for this game. I made an interface used for hiding in the hiding spots and collecting the coins.

To hide in the hiding spots, I made blueprints which had set positions for the player when they hide. When hidden, I made the player camera pitch and yaw a fixed range to prevent the camera from glitching out.

When creating the AI for the monster, I used a behavior tree to have the AI perform certain tasks in sequences. I also used a blackboard to store a boolean variable that determines which sequence should be executed. The sequences were RoamAround and ChasePlayer. The RoamAround task makes the AI move at a random point at a certain radius. The ChasePlayer task makes the AI run towards the players location, and then attack the player when in range. The variable stored in the blackboard was SeeingPlayer, and that variable becomes true when the player is within the PawnSensing component of the AI. To animate the AI's movement, I used a BlendSpace1D to switch between animations based on a float variable representing the AI's speed. When the AI is not moving, idle animation plays. When the AI moves at 2 m/s, walk animation plays. When the AI moves at 4 m/s, run animation plays. The AI's attack animation plays when it gets in range of the player.


The Levels Design was not entirely done by me. About half of the level was already pre-made by the developer of the abandoned manor asset pack. However, I did design the other half. I dragged and dropped assets into the level and used multi-angled viewports to make sure the assets clicked well and were not overlapping. I thought of going for a more chaotic look for some of the rooms to imply the monster trashed the place. I modified the fog and lighting to make it more dark and more clear for the player to see, while still having some fog to show the horror of an old abandoned building.

Designing the games UI was not complex, as only the amount of coins were needed to be shown. I tried to make the intro to the game look scary by adding some deep sounds to intensify the scene. I used a font to make the menu text fit in with the horror theme. I used some animations in the UI to make text fade in, giving it a more ominous effect.


Hope you all enjoy! This is my first ever horror game, so please feel free to leave me your feedback in the comments :)

Updated 11 days ago
Published 15 days ago
AuthorAlexander Philippopoulos
TagsCreepy, Horror, scary, Singleplayer


GrimwoodManor.zip 681 MB

Install instructions

To download the game, follow these steps:

1. Click the "Download" button

2. Right click on the folder and select "Extract All"

3. Open the extracted folder and click the "GrimwoodManor.exe" file to run the game


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Hello! Your project has caught our attention, and we would love to learn more about it. Please reach out to us via email at wtcdpublisher@gmail.com. We’d be happy to discuss a potential partnership!

Best regards, Volodymyr, WTCD Publisher.

Nice work, and cool to see a breakdown of how things were done.

Thank you!